11 Underground Bands Keeping Classic Metal Alive in 2022

In the current age of streaming, it can be easy to get enamoured with metal music that sounds emphatically modern. Sometimes, though, it’s nice to take it back to where it all started. That is, with hard-hitting, no-nonsense metal reminiscent of the legendary records released in the 1980s. Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Helloween, Dio, and

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The Music of Skyrim: Why is it so Good?!

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a game often hailed as one of the greatest of its generation. With its high replay ability, immersive detail, and a vibrant (for lack of a better word) modding scene, Skyrim manages to maintain an unprecedented level of relevancy in online gaming discourse—even over ten years removed from its initial

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